Graham Geer

Lives in 🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Joined 4 years ago

Countries of origin
🇨🇴 Colombia
Brewing method
Roast date
Citric acid
Overall sweet
Initial aroma from beans fairly neutral, perhaps a slightly smokiness. Once ground I detected a sweet aroma that reminded me of Caramac bars. Initial bloom again released these sweet caramel aromas. On tasting the final brew a lively coffee was revealed. Lovely bright acidity which left a nice zing in the mouth. I still got the caramel notes in the taste along with a nice sweetness. I could also detect some floral and subtle plum notes. I thought this would make a great everyday brew. I brewed this in a Kalita Wave 185 at a 1:15 ratio using 15grms of coffee / 50 redclix on the Comandante / 225grms of water at 96c / brew time was just over 3 minutes.